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Three Hours, Three Photographers, Three Theatres


Photographs by Laura McCluskey, Max Miechowski and Callum Su

4.30pm at the National Theatre. In the hours before the audience take their seats, the stage becomes a hive of activity in preparation for the next performance. For technical teams working behind the scenes, this time is essential to ensure that everything is ready for a smooth show.

In May 2024, photographers Laura McCluskey, Max Miechowski and Callum Su were invited backstage to capture the unseen side of our theatres during these reset hours.

This exhibition explores their different responses to the ‘reset’ time and offers a unique and intimate glimpse into the people and activities that happen during these vital hours. Between them, they demonstrate the skills needed to deliver the productions to a consistently high standard, night after night.

In collaboration with It’s Nice That

Where: Lyttelton Lounge (National Theatre foyer)

When: From 27 June 2024

Price: Free, no booking required

Open: Any time during building open hours – see Your Visit for details.


About It’s Nice That

It’s Nice That is a global media company inspiring the creative community. With over 17 years at the heart of art and design, It’s Nice That has grown to reach over 8.3 million people every month. They share stories, offer insights and bring people together to help them make the most of their creativity. .

Visit for more information (link opens in a new tab).

About the Photographers

Laura McCluskey
Photo portrait of Laura McCluskey

Laura McCluskey

Max Miechowski
Photo portrait of Max Miechowski

Max Miechowski

Callum Su

Callum Su