A Tupperware of Ashes: Content, Advice and Guidance

Please note: This production contains smoke, haze, bright and sudden lights and moments of total blackout.
It contains discriminatory language and references to racism, and themes of death, grief, abortion, cremation, dementia and Alzheimer’s, including references and depictions of Covid and care homes.
You may find content in this production distressing or upsetting. A quiet space is made available at performance times for audience members who need it. Please speak to a member of staff.
Additional support
The following organisations may be of assistance if you find any of the themes of this production challenging.
Alzheimer’s UK
– provides a range of support including a helpline for individuals and families affected by dementia and Alzheimer’s
– provides family counselling for all kinds of family relationships including siblings
COVID 19 Families
– a national network of post-pandemic support groups across the UK