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Connections 2024: Dy Enw Marw (Your Name is Dead)

gan Elgan Rhys, mewn cyd-weithrediad â Leo Drayton
by Elgan Rhys, in collaboration with Leo Drayton

On a plain cream background, half-assembled rose coloured puzzle pieces depict a fragmented face with other pieces scattered around, in large blue letters over the top of the image is written 'DY ENW MARW'.

Booking and details

8.30pm on Friday 28 June
This show has now ended

£5 for one performance
£8 when you book for Dy Enw Marw (Your Name is Dead) and Replica by Titas Halder in the same order

Perfformir gan Ysgol Gyfun Gŵyr

Bydd y ddrama hon yn cael ei berfformio yn Gymraeg, gyda chapsiynau Cymraeg a Saesneg.

Mae M wedi cael enw newydd: Darn arall yn jig-so ei fywyd. Dilynwn ef dros ddiwrnod, wrth iddo wynebu perthnasoedd ar eu newid a’r heriau a llawenydd bod yn ifanc a thraws. Ydy’r jig-so byth yn cael ei gwblhau?


Mae Elgan Rhys yn ysgrifennydd a chydweithredwr yn gweithio yn theatr, teledu a llenyddiaeth. Mae ei waith yn sefyll dros rymuso pobl ifanc, pawb sydd o fewn ymbarél LHDTC+ a chymunedau iaith Gymraeg. Mae Elgan wedi bod yn artist cyswllt am ddau gwmni Cymraeg blaenllaw ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc, sef Frân Wen a Theatr Iolo, a chynhyrchodd Y Pump, cyfres o nofelau wedi cyd-greu ar gyfer pobl ifanc a enillodd dwy wobr Llyfr y Flwyddyn yn 2022.


Performed by Ysgol Gyfun Gŵyr

This play will be performed in Welsh, with Welsh and English captions.

M has got a new name: Another piece in the jigsaw that is his life. We follow him over a day, as he navigates shifting relationships and the challenges and joys of being young and trans. Does the jigsaw ever get completed?


Elgan Rhys is a writer and collaborator working in theatre, TV and literature. His work advocates for the empowerment of young people, everyone in the LGBTQ+ umbrella and Welsh-speaking communities. Elgan has been an Associate Artist for two leading Welsh children’s and young people’s theatre companies, Frân Wen and Theatr Iolo, and produced Y Pump, a series of co-created YA novels which won two Wales Book of the Year awards in 2022.


Rhybuddion cynnwys:

  • Yn addas ar gyfer oedran 14+
  • Iaith gref.
  • Trais yn y cartref.
  • Profiad o ddysfforia rhywedd.

Content Warnings:

  • Recommended for ages 14+
  • Strong language.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Experience of gender dysphoria.


Bydd y ddrama hon yn cael ei berfformio yn Gymraeg, gyda chapsiynau Cymraeg a Saesneg.

This play will be performed in Welsh, with Welsh and English captions.


Connections 2024


The Mohn Westlake Foundation supports nationwide Learning programmes for young people.

Connections is supported by The Mohn Westlake Foundation, Buffini Chao Foundation, The EBM Charitable Trust, Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, Katie Bradford Arts Trust, Susan Miller & Byron Grote, Mulberry Trust, Tuixen Foundation, The Peter Cundill Foundation, The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, The Woodward Charitable Trust and The John Thaw Foundation.

Nationwide learning is supported by Buffini Chao Foundation, Clore Duffield Foundation, Tim & Sarah Bunting, MFPA Trust Fund for the Training of Disabled Children in the Arts, Behrens Foundation, Cleopatra Trust, and The Andor Charitable Trust.

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