a new play by Lucy Kirkwood

Booking and details
Alice is a scientist. She lives in Geneva. As the Large Hadron Collider starts up in 2008, she is on the brink of the most exciting work of her life, searching for the Higgs Boson.
Jenny is her sister. She lives in Luton. She spends a lot of time Googling.
When tragedy throws them together, the collision threatens them all with chaos.
Olivia Colman and Olivia Williams play the sisters in this new drama from Chimerica writer Lucy Kirkwood, directed by Rufus Norris.
Performed 18 July — 28 September 2017 in the Dorfman Theatre.
‘Rufus Norris directs with sensitivity and real panache. It’s terrific’
‘Olivia Colman is devastatingly good in Lucy Kirkwood’s dazzling new play’
Daily Telegraph
‘Very funny. A wildly ambitious new play.’
Time Out
‘Olivia Colman gives a rich, funny and poignant performance.’
The Stage
‘Olivia Colman and Olivia Williams work wonders together. Their chemistry is amazing.’
‘A spectacular staging. Magnificent performances.’
Financial Times