Donation and Sponsorship acceptance statement
The National Theatre is a Registered Charity (No. 224223) and relies on voluntary contributions from its audience and other funders. Donations and sponsorship help every element of the National Theatre’s work both on stage and off. From the creative teams that produce our most awe-inspiring shows to the creation of our remarkable Learning programmes and development of new work at the NT Studio, voluntary contributions enable us to continue working to the highest possible standards.
We are committed to fundraising best practice and abide by the Fundraising Regulator’s key principles and behaviours of a fundraising organisation: to be legal, open, honest and respectful. We undertake to comply with relevant law and regulations, including the Proceeds of Crime Act, Data Protection, Tax and Gift Aid legislation, and Charity Commission guidance, as well as the National Theatre’s corporate policies, such as Anti-Bribery.
The Development Department monitors potential donations and corporate partnerships for compliance and risk. Final decisions may be escalated to the Board of Trustees. It is our Board’s legal obligation to act in the best long-term interest of the National Theatre and to act prudently when deciding to accept or refuse voluntary contributions. The Board will refuse a gift if it can reasonably conclude that its acceptance would be more likely to be detrimental to the organisation than its refusal.