Miguel Hernando Torres Umba
Miguel Hernando Torres Umba trained at the Superior Academy of Arts in Bogota and International School of Corporeal Mime in London.
For the National Theatre: Ķīn (also UK and international tour)
Other theatre includes: Missing on international tour and The Wedding on UK tour, both for Gecko; Stardust at the Edinburgh Fringe and the Vault Festival
As director: Moulin Rouge, Back to the Future and Star Wars for Secret Cinema; Rumble in the Jungle for Rematch Live; and numerous collaborations with Immersive Cult and Les Enfants Terribles
Stardust – Vault Festival’s People’s Choice Award
As a Gecko practitioner, Miguel Hernando Torres Umba teaches the company’s style to professionals and students nationally and internationally and directs some of the company’s creative engagement projects.
He is also the founder of the production company, Umba Arts, which has produced a dynamic range of projects from podcasts and films to award winning docu-series and most notably LYT – Latinx Youth Theatre – a platform for young Latin Americans in London to celebrate their identity and connect with the creative industries.
(Published January 2024. Photo: Yellow Belly)