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National Theatre Foundation

The National Theatre Foundation is a charity that was set up to support the National Theatre. The Foundation Benevolent Fund makes grants to assist current and former staff members, freelancers and others who have a close working relationship with the National Theatre who are in financial crisis.


  • The Foundation considers applications from NT Staff, including contracted staff (current and former staff members), freelancers and others who have a close working relationship with the NT.
  • The Foundation will consider emergency interventions to support individuals in acute financial crisis. These crises may arise from a sudden change in circumstance (for example an accident or a death in the family) that can affect your ability to manage your finances which could also be affecting your mental health.
  • The Foundation cannot offer ongoing financial support and can only consider applications that will help individuals attain a sustainable position in respect to financial and mental wellbeing.
  • Applicants are expected to have claimed or be in the process of claiming all relevant state benefits.
  • Please note the Foundation cannot pay the direct cost of any private medical treatment unless in very exceptional circumstances.

The Foundation is eager to offer support, so we would encourage you to contact us if you think we can
assist you. At the same time, we do need to flag that as a relatively small charity with limited resources, we cannot offer ongoing financial or mental health support and that repeat applications are only considered in exceptional circumstances.


Guidelines for applying to the Foundation

  • We ask all applicants to complete an application form (link below). However, if you have any difficulties in filling in the form or are worried about doing that, please don’t hesitate to let us know by calling the Foundation on: 020 7452 3366 or emailing us at
  • When filling in the application form, please put in the exact dates you worked for the NT and in what capacity.
  • Please complete the income and expenditure section. This should be the income you are currently receiving.
  • When filling out the Other Information section please think about the following questions: What has happened? What is the situation now? What is the plan for the future?
  • In the Level of Support Requested section, please be specific about the amount you require and what it would be used for.
  • The application form should be emailed to
  • The Secretary of the Board and the Welfare Team will review your application. If they have any
    questions, they will contact you directly.
  • If they feel it fulfils the criteria, they will forward the application to the Foundation Board.
  • Please note that once your application has been submitted it can take up to 10 working days for it to be reviewed, submitted and considered. While we endeavour to make the process as quick and efficient as possible, we are relatively small charity with limited resources.
  • As a relatively small charity with limited resources, the Foundation can only consider repeat applications in exceptional circumstances.
  • If you have any questions about the process or application form, please do email us :

Download an application form

Other sources of information / support you may find helpful

  • If you are in need of financial aid, we would encourage you to look to see if you might be eligible for Universal Credit or any other State Benefits.
  • If you are suffering with a mental health crisis arising from your financial situation, please do contact MIND who have helpful information about benefits and support.
  • Universal credit information
  • Theatrical Guild Website
  • Theatre Charities Campaign Website
  • Actors Benevolent Fund
  • Turn to us – an advice website with financial support including a benefits calculator and a grant search facility.
  • Step Change – advice and information about debt management. Helpline 0800 138 1111. (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 2pm )
  • Citizens Advice – Range of advice on benefits, debt and housing.

The National Theatre Foundation can be contacted in confidence on:
T: 020 7452 3366



The Foundation is committed to safeguarding the privacy of applicants and will take every precaution to
protect the confidentiality of all information provided by applicants.

Foundation Trustees

Graham Barker (Chair), Dame Ursula Brennan (Deputy Chair), Sarah Greene, Hazel Holder, Anna Khazen, Daniel Margolin KC, Elizabeth Pryce, Ceinwen Rees, Moira Sinclair, Simon Warshaw